The Time Has Come
Did mankind and Cameroonians in particular not know that the voices of devoted, committed and truthful patriots like Martin Luther King Jr. Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas More, Nelson Mandela, Albert Mukong, Bernard Fonlon…are only heard when they are no longer present? Did mankind not also know that even out of neglected interiors of the world great prophets and saviours can be born? Did mankind not know that Barack Obama is of negro parentage and that great people are usually born in great places and by great people? Did mankind not know that the children of great people are already in high places and cannot therefore jump, and that only children from low do jump in order to skip at least a step in success? If not, then the time has come for us to know so.
Did mankind and Cameroonians in particular not know that the pen is mightier than the sword? Did mankind not also know that a house divided against itself cannot stand and that as such corruption cannot fight against corruption? Did mankind not know that a person cannot be appointed through corrupt means to be a combatant of corruption? Did mankind not that in order to combat corruption we must first of all be ant-corrupt within ourselves and invite God to come and be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces against corruption? Did mankind not know that in a country where Moral Instructions are paid deaf ears to and where Religious Studies as an academic subject is suffering threats of elimination from the curricula, corruption must keep on eating deep into our roots? Did mankind not also know that once you bribe your way into any job you shall never find comfort in it? Did mankind not know that one can read, prepare and pray for an entrance examination into any professional or vocational school and succeed in it without the usual Cameroonian one million? Did mankind not that there are some jobs which are not just good for all of us and that for such reasons God lets us know about this by simply making us fail the entrance exams or interview, or… into them? Did mankind not know that when somebody over fails to do something he should try some other thing? If not, then the time has for us to know so.
Did mankind and Cameroonians in particular not know that when an embezzler of public funds is caught he should first of all pay all that he embezzled rather than just serve a prison term without refunding this money into the state coffers? Did mankind not know that every one person should have only one pay package with the government? Did mankind not also know that an assertion such as “politics is a dirty game” are a myth and can therefore be demystified by viewing politics from the view point of leadership and not rulership? Did mankind and Cameroonians in particular not know that we do not know that we do nurse dictatorial and corrupt rulers when we receive money and other material gifts from them rather than good ideologies and plans of action during electoral campaigns which lead to their rise to power? Did mankind not know that certain words such as “non-limited” are not good and should therefore not be used in democracy? Did mankind not know that it is not good for one to pretend that there is peace in his country when he doesn’t have a peace of mind? Did mankind not also know that when undemocratic terms are used in a country’s national and political books even when we are already on our dying beds we should rise up and do away with them because they will certainly affect our young ones adversely in the future? Did mankind not know that if the word politics is applied deeply democratically and spiritually it would serve as a visa into Heaven? Did mankind not know that great biblical leaders like Kings Solomon and David were both spiritual and democratic politicians? If not, then the time has come for them to know so.
Did mankind and Cameroonians in particular not know that when there is say a civil or tribal war in a country and the leader is caring and concerned with the well being of his people he should really takes time and goes there in person to calm down tensions? Did mankind not know that when there is a rift or conflict between sections, regions or tribes of a society, the leader should not settle it by favouring the side that has many people working in his regime? Did mankind not know that when many villages cry around another one, then the one in the centre which is not crying should be carefully examined with warning eyes? Did mankind not know that a good leader is not one who takes delight in visiting foreign lands but in handling domestic crises and enhancing national growth because charity begins at home? Did mankind not know that there is much joy in being an ex-leader like Nelson Mandela than in being a former ruler and dictator like Napoleon Bonaparte and all his likes of nowadays? If not, then the time has come for them to do so.
Did mankind and Cameroonians in particular not know that the economic crises and the too unemployment we are going through do not result from inadequate natural resources but form our individualistic self interests and mismanagement? Did mankind not know that when non human factors of production become persistently unproductive, the entrepreneur should be changed? Did mankind not know that in the face of so many crises within a state there should be adjustments in its political arena? Did mankind not know that too much of any thing is a disease and that even too much of the same person is a disease? Did mankind not know that even from the very beginning of economics, one of the factors of production has been and is still being forgotten which is prayers? Did mankind not also know that those of us who spend sleepless nights and restless days writing poems, plays, novels, essays, articles…like this one are doing so because we do love our father and motherlands? If not, then the time has come for us to do so.
Did mankind and Cameroonians in particular not know that there should be no divisions in the Church of Jesus Christ? Did mankind not know that spiritual peace and the need to know where every religion and religious denomination today in the world today came from can surely bring unity in the Universal and Apostolic Church of Christ before He comes back to establish His endless Kingdom? Did mankind not know that religious hypocrisy must stop and as such we need to stop worshipping Christ and at the same time dressing, talking, living or acting in ways that ways that portray us as perfect incarnations of Satan? Did mankind not know that God instituted and blessed sexual intercourse only for matrimony and that out of marriage it becomes the highest and gravest sin and the source of almost all other sins? Did mankind not know that those things which block us from God are the best tasty and charming things of the world like money, sex and food and that deny such things is to carry one’s cross and follow Jesus Christ? If not, then the time has come for us to do so.
Did mankind and Cameroonians in particular not know that the wages of sin is death and that as such the wages of the sin of sex is HIV/AIDS which leads onto death? Did mankind not know that there is no progress, be it political, economic, social, spiritual or academic when it is blended with AIDS and other diseases? Did mankind and especially students and youths not know that success does not come the way of anyone who has divided attention between hard work, which belongs to God, and involving in sinful practices, which belong to Satan, because no one can successfully serve two masters at a time? Did mankind and especially students not know that Satan has many candidates for his kingdom who include thieves, fornicators, adulterers, cheats, smokers, drunkards…and that whoever follows the crowd in doing these things is stupid and sheepish? Did mankind and especially youths not know that not all what one’s friends, classmates, age mates, relatives…do should be imitated by that person as they can likely land him in trouble and distance him from his God who is the only hope of life for him? If not, then the time has come for us to do so.
Did mankind and Cameroonians in particular not know that while some philosophies and doctrines are good, others are bad? Did mankind not know that while some philosophies do acknowledge God’s existence, some do not and thus, one only has to choose what is good and only it because salvation is personal? Did mankind not know that it is in this perspective and most especially because there is a dire need for a better political and spiritual tomorrow that writers like myself do write? Did mankind not know that we need to pray for writers like us because we are in great danger and the angry, satanic wolves of our society will want to devour us for our truthfulness and commitment? If not, then the time has come for us to do so…
I am the voice of the voiceless!!!
Nsah Kenneth Toah
(Nsah Mala)
Sunday November 16th, 2008
(237) 74 29 17 46
Thanks be to God!
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